Find Singapore Primary Schools within 1 and 2 km
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Parents or home buyers can now check if their home is within 1 or 2 kilometers of their choice Singapore primary school. The 1km circumference is in blue while the 2km circumference is in red. Only the 20 nearest primary schools are displayed. The information is provided AS-IS and we are not responsible for any inaccuracies.
As our map does not reflect the change in Home-School Distance (HSD) calculation starting from the 2022 Primary 1 Registration Exercise, you should also check with the MOE Show Nearby Schools webpage to see which schools are within 1km, 2km of your home.
Some schools are holding at temporary locations while their buildings are undergoing the Programme for Rebuilding and Improving Existing Schools (PRIME). The school's permanent location will be used to determine the distance for the Primary One (P1) Registration Exercise.
Parents can register their child at any Singapore primary school of their choice. If your chosen primary school has more registrants than vacancies, priority admission will be given based on your child's citizenship and the home-school distance category (which is in turn based on the address used for registration).
- Priority admission is given in this order. Vacancies are filled based on priority until registrants exceed
vacancies, then balloting will be conducted.
- Singapore Citizens (SC) living within 1km of the school.
- SCs living between 1km and 2km of the school.
- SCs living outside 2km of the school.
- Permanent Residents (PR) living within 1km of the school.
- PRs living between 1km and 2km of the school.
- PRs living outside 2km of the school.
The address used in the P1 Registration Exercise should be the parents' official residential address as reflected on their NRICs. This address will be used to determine the home-school distance category, where required for consideration of priority in admissions.
On each school page, a map of the school with its 1 and 2km radii is shown. In addition, the 2023 to 2009 Primary One Registration exercise results are given.
The 2024 P1 Registration Exercise for Singapore Citizens and Permanent Residents will start from Tuesday, 2 July 2024. For more information visit the MOE website.
More Registration Resources
Primary 1 Registration / Ballot History
Data is from 2023 to 2019. List schools that ballot, with vacancy or all schools for the different phases. There is a further link to archived 2018 to 2009 data that has only basic balloting details. Get Primary 1 Registration / Ballot History
2023 Primary 1 Registration Results
2023 data sort by school name, vacancies, % to check popularity. Get 2023 Primary 1 Registration Results
Explanation of Registration Phases
Primary 1 registration is conducted in several phases. Check for your child's eligible P1 registration phases. Get Explanation of Registration Phases
Maths, Language and Music Resources
For busy parents and grandparents who want to personally help their child/grandchild build a foundation in English, Chinese, Mathematics and Music, we provide the following FREE resources to update their subject knowledge to meet the latest MOE syllabus.
Play the Piano
You have taught the children to sing, now you can teach them the piano too. With the right assistive technology, this is a demonstration that grands and parents can teach the children piano too. Bond and learn the basics of notes & rhythm for both the adult and child. In minutes. No experience required. Play the piano with Family and Friends
Weekly English Spelling
Using phonics is an easy and effective way to spell words. Our Encodable Speller
- Break the weekly spelling words into phonemes and sound them out
- Show the letter or letters (graphemes) that correspond to the phonemes
Revise English Spelling with Phonics
Primary 1 Mathematics
Visualisation makes difficult Maths concepts easy to understand. Together with the online practice exercises and assessments, you can help your child build a strong foundation in Maths. Visualise Primary 1 Mathematics, Practice & Assessment
Weekly Chinese Spelling
识写字 听写 - with Stroke (笔画), Stroke Order (笔顺) and Radicals (偏旁部首) guide. Practice with feedback, arranged from P1 to P6, by lessons based on the MOE Chinese Syllabus. Revise 识写字 听写
识读字 Hanyu Pinyin - with 声母 initials, 韵母 finals hints and hear all 4 tones. Practice with feedback, arranged from P1 to P6, by lessons based on the MOE Chinese Syllabus. Revise 识读字 Hanyu Pinyin
Sentence mining is saving and reviewing sentences to learn Chinese vocabulary. This is in contrast to the traditional approach of memorizing words individually. Our Chinese Reader has 52,000 sentences that used words ONLY in the Primary School Chinese 识读字 list. Sentences are arranged from P1 to P6, by lessons based on the MOE Chinese Syllabus. Get Chinese Reader
Help your child Score in 听写
Trace strokes to continue
Help your child Master P1 MathsFREE Worked Examples, Practice Exercises & AssessmentBased on latest 2021 MOE Maths Syllabus
Ace Spelling with PhonicsSegmenting the words into sounds makes spelling easy to remember