Ace Weekly Spelling
Easily with Phonics. Guided practice. Your spelling list

Prepare for Primary One

Primary One Registration

Resources to help you select your child's Primary School

Primary Schools near Home
Parents can check what schools are within 1 or 2 kilometers of their home. The distance determines the priority admission and balloting.

Primary 1 Registration / Ballot History
Data is from 2019 to 2022. List schools that ballot, with vacancy or all schools for the different phases. There is a link to archived 2009 to 2018 data with basic balloting details.

2022 Primary 1 Registration Results
2022 data sort by school name, vacancies, % to check popularity.

Prepare your child for Primary One


Ace Weekly English Spelling

Sounding out letters is the most effective way to spell. Our Encodable Speller helps your child spell the words easily with phonics.

Spell with Phonics Now


Help your child Master P1 Maths

Block manipulatives make difficult Maths concepts like Renaming easy to understand
Based on latest 2021 MOE Maths Syllabus

Start Now

听写, Hanyu Pinyin

Score 听写/Hanyu Pinyin

Guided Practice with Feedback
Uses MOE P1-6 Chinese Syllabus

Score 听写/Hanyu Pinyin

National Education

In Primary 1, students learn to sing the National Anthem in their Music lessons and during morning assembly. This will ensure that students understand the significance of singing the National Anthem.

PM Lee's comment at 2019 National Day Rally on our online learning resource: " ... website to teach others the meaning of our national anthem by translating the Malay words to English. Readers can reinforce their learning via quizzes" .

Learn Majulah Singapura

Score 听写/Hanyu Pinyin
Guided Practice with Feedback
Uses MOE P1-6 Chinese Syllabus
Select Level, Lesson & Start

Score 听写/Hanyu Pinyin

Ace Spelling with Phonics
Segment the spelling words into sounds for easy revision with Phonics

Spell with Phonics Now

Help your child Master P1 Maths
Visualisation makes difficult Maths concepts easy. With Guided Practice & Assessments
Based on MOE P1 Maths Syllabus

Start Now

Father writes songs to help his pre-school children love learning Chinese (联合早报)


Father writes songs to help his pre-school children love learning Chinese (联合早报)
